70 research outputs found

    The diffusion of patented oil and gas technology with environmental uses: a forward patent citation analysis [WP IEB]

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    Relevant advances in the mitigation of environmental impact could be obtained by the appropriate diffusion of existing environmental technologies. In this paper, we look at the diffusion of knowledge related to environmental technologies developed within the oil and gas industry. To assess knowledge spillovers from oil and gas inventions as a measure of technology diffusion, we rely on forward patent citations methodology. Results show that there is a strong likelihood that the citing patent will be eventually linked to environmental technologies if the original oil and gas invention has already environmental uses. Moreover, both intra and intersectoral spillovers produce a "turnabout" effect, meaning that citing patents show the opposite quality level of the cited patent. Our results support the idea that more sector-specific environmental policies, with an emphasis on diffusion, would significantly improve the use of environmental technologies developed within the oil and gas industry

    The diffusion of patented oil and gas technology with environmental uses: a forward patent citation analysis

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    Relevant advances in the mitigation of environmental impact could be obtained by the appropriate diffusion of existing environmental technologies. In this paper, we look at the diffusion of knowledge related to environmental technologies developed within the oil and gas industry. To assess knowledge spillovers from oil and gas inventions as a measure of technology diffusion, we rely on forward patent citations methodology. Results show that there is a strong likelihood that the citing patent will be eventually linked to environmental technologies if the original oil and gas invention has already environmental uses. Moreover, both intra and intersectoral spillovers produce a 'turnabout' effect, meaning that citing patents show the opposite quality level of the cited patent. Our results support the idea that more sector-specific environmental policies, with an emphasis on diffusion, would significantly improve the use of environmental technologies developed within the oil and gas industry. Keywords: Forward patent citations; petroleum industry; technology flows; environmental and technology policies

    Evolución del sector eléctrico español (1975-2015)

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    El sector energético afronta actualmente importantes retos a nivel global, y el sector eléctrico se encuentra en el centro del debate. La transición hacia una generación de bajas emisiones, que asegure el suministro y la competitividad de la economía al mismo tiempo, se antoja como un rompecabezas de difícil solución. Este artículo estudia la evolución del sector eléctrico atendiendo a los cambios en el modelo energético a partir de 1975. La evolución tecnológica y regulatoria experimentada en este período resulta clave para entender la situación actual y cómo afrontar los retos futuros. Los distintos apartados destacan los aspectos más trascendentales de la historia reciente del sistema eléctrico como la influencia de los Planes Energéticos Nacionales (PEN), el Marco Legal Estable (MLE), el proceso de liberalización e integración europea, la evolución tecnológica con el desarrollo de las fuentes de generación renovables, los problemas de sostenibilidad económica más recientes y la correspondiente reforma de la Ley del Sector Eléctrico

    Retail price effects of feed-in tariff regulation

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    The feed-in tariff regulation is the widest spread instrument used to promote electricity generation from renewable energy sources in the EU, with the costs of resources devoted to this promotion usually being borne by final consumers. Two components of the electricity retail price are expected to be influenced by the feed-in tariff regulation: the incentive to those firmsproducing electricity fromrenewable energy sources and thewholesale price of electricity. In this studywe analyze the effects that the feed-in tariff regulation has on the electricity retail price for industrial consumers. Weestimate the relative intensity of the impact of the cost of support electricity generation under the feed-in tariff and the electricity wholesale price on the Spanish industrial retail price. Special attention is devoted to technology-specific considerations, as well as short and long run effects. The results show that there is not a strong link between the retail and wholesale market for Spanish industrial consumers. Moreover, the results indicate that an increase of solar generation leads to a higher increase in the industrial retail price than in the case of a proportional increase of wind generation. This suggests that, when evaluating the feed-in tariff regulation impact on the retail price, the cost of incentives effect prevails over the wholesale price effect, and this is stronger for solar than for wind generation

    Why do manufacturing industries invest in energy R&D?

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    Energy R&D can have major social and economic impacts and is a critical factor in addressing the challenges presented by climate change mitigation policies. As well as the energy utilities themselves, firms in other sectors also invest in energy R&D; however, while various studies have examined the determinants of R&D in the former, there are no analyses of energy R&D drivers in other industries. This paper seeks to fill this gap by examining the determinants of investment in energy R&D in non-energy industries. We focus on manufacturing industries where we can differentiate between energy and non-energy R&D related expenditure. The empirical analysis is carried out for 21 sectors in Spain for the period 2008–2013. To overcome problems of data availability, we construct a comprehensive database from several surveys. The data show the importance of taking into account the efforts devoted to energy R&D by the manufacturing sectors in order to have more complete information about the total investment made in energy R&D. The results of the estimations indicate the importance of the energy R&D developed by firms that supply the energy utilities

    Mercat elèctric i competitivitat

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    A escala europea, la crisi econòmica i financera actual ha posat en relleu la importància de l'economia real i d'una indústria forta. Tal com reconeix la mateixa Comissió Europea en les seves diferents comunicacions, la interacció de la indústria amb la resta de l'entramat econòmic europeu va molt més enllà del mateix procés productiu. Les activitats industrials s'integren en cadenes de valor cada vegada més riques i complexes, en les quals conflueixen grans empreses, amb presència global en els mercats, i petites i mitjanes empreses de tots els sectors i països

    Are energy market integrations a green light for FDI?

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    This paper studies the effect of energy market integration (EMI) on foreign direct investment (FDI). EMIs diminish energy uncertainty and price volatility in the host country and affect FDI through two channels: first, by harmonizing energy prices and, second, by reducing price dispersion. FDI may, as a result, increase both within and outside the EMI area, through energy stability mechanisms and price mechanisms, respectively. An empirical application on a global dataset including bilateral FDI data, during 2003-2012, using the gravity equation, shows that the integration of Portugal and Spain's electricity market in 2007 increased the amount of FDI's participants. Additionally, a positive increase in FDI from neighboring countries (in this instance, France), albeit lower in magnitude, is observed

    Special issue on European Union: Markets and regulators. Editorial

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    The European Union has taken a leading role in the process of transformation of the energy sector for the transition to a low carbon economy. This has created several opportunities and challenges for policymakers and businesses operating in the energy sector as new directives and regulations are developed and implemented

    Is energy market integration a green light for FDI?

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    This paper contributes to a better understanding of the effects of the European single market strategy by studying the effect of energy market integration (EMI) on foreign direct investment (FDI). Enforcing an EMI diminishes energy uncertainty and price volatility and signals stronger and credible institutions. FDI may, as a result, increase both within and outside the EMI area through two channels: first, via energy price converge and, second, via price dispersion reduction. We develop a formal model to explain how these mechanisms affect the capital invested abroad by heterogeneous firms. The Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL) integration of 2007 is used to quantify the effect of EMI on FDI empirically. Gravity estimates on a global dataset including bilateral FDI data show that the integration of Portugal and Spain's electricity market increased both the amount of FDI's participants and the number of foreign projects. In line with our theoretical expectations, our estimates show that the increase of FDI is mainly due to the reduction in price dispersion. However, the institutional credibility signal sent by MIBEL had a greater influence than expected by the actual price reduction. Furthermore, we also observe a positive increase in FDI from neighboring countries (in this instance, France), albeit lower in magnitude

    Challenges for R&D and innovation in energy

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    In recent years,there has been a growing interest in the role of R&D and innovation in energy efficiency and dealing with climate change.To improve our knowledge in these matters a workshop was organized in Barcelona,Spain,in January 2014.This introduction to the special issue first presents some insights from the literature on challenges for R&D and innovation in energy.The second section summarises the articles from this workshop that make up this special issue and that provide new insights into innovation in energy.All the articles include energy policy recommendations based on the empirical analyses carried out